“Whose turn is it to be student of the day?’ This is a question that builds excitement in our classroom everyday. In our Kindergarten class, students get an opportunity to develop their leadership skills by performing the duties of student of the day. Each day, one student is chosen to be the teacher’s assistant. Some of the student’s responsibilities include assisting with morning message, leading our calendar routine, ringing the bell to signal transitions, choosing student line order and being the line leader.
Being student of the day gives the student a chance to take ownership over the classroom. Students become empowered by taking on this responsibility. They know it is their duty to uphold the classroom expectations and to serve as a role model for their peers. This helps the student build self confidence and improve self image. It also allows the student to reflect on their skills as a leader and make adjustments as needed.
Having a student leader also benefits the class as a whole. Students are able to observe their peer as a leader and identify the beneficial traits they would like to adopt. It also allows the students to offer suggestions on ways leadership skills can be refined. By providing this leadership opportunity, students are able to form strong, supportive relationships with their peers. These positive relationships serve as the cornerstone of our classroom community.