Latest news from the 1st Grade classes


  It was Reading Gives You Superpowers Week! – a virtual event put on by Scholastic and Captain Underpants, Dog Man, and Cat Kid Author Dav Pilkey. Pilkey has openly shared that he has dyslexia and ADHD, and although he now says that these are his superpowers, he...

To the Moon and Back

First-graders took on the role of astronomers this month to study the sun, moon, stars, and their patterns, with the driving question being, “How can we, as astronomers, teach others about the moon and its phases using technology?”  Project-Based Learning (PBL)...

First Grade Readers

“Action!”  First graders, this week, practiced and performed winter-themed mini-plays with the purpose being to “enhance students' reading skills and confidence by having them practice reading with a purpose” (Bafile, 2021).  [gallery columns="4"...

Family Ties

One of the advantages of being part of Pacific Northern Academy is the community; a community where everyone knows your name, where you feel safe, and where you feel that you belong. According to the American Psychological Association, “Psychological sense of...



