The Board of Trustees are the guardians of the school’s mission. It is the Board’s responsibility to ensure that the mission is appropriate, relevant and vital to the community that it serves, as well as to monitor the success of the school in fulfilling its mission.
The following principles of good practice are set forth to provide a common perspective on the responsibilities of independent school boards. The Board and the Head work in partnership in fulfilling these principles.

- The Board prepares a clear statement of the school’s mission and objectives.
- The Board is accountable for the financial well being of the school, including capital assets, operating budgets, fundraising and endowments.
- The Board selects, supports, and collaborates with the Head of School.
- The Board conducts a written annual evaluation of the performance of the Head and works with the Head to establish goals for the following year.
- The Board keeps full and accurate records of its meetings, committees, and policies.
- The Board works to ensure all its members are actively involved in the work of the Board and its committees.
- The composition of the Board reflects a balance of the expertise and perspectives needed to achieve the mission of the school.
- The Board develops itself through new trustee orientation, ongoing education and leadership succession planning.
- The Board ensures compliance with applicable laws and regulations and minimizes exposure to legal action.

Board Members
Kathy Heinlein, Board Chair
Jeremy Miller, Vice Chair
Heidi Baines
Sue Beal
Eileen Demain
Peter Ehrnstrom
Ashley Fregly
Travis Renk
Dave Valdez