Latest news from the Preschool classes

From the Eyes of a Child

Posted by Amythest Harmon At Pacific Northern Academy, “We educate students to be exceptional learners and independent thinkers of vision, courage, and integrity.” I have attempted to capture this concept all year through photos of my students’ experiences at PNA. In...

Early Literacy and Love of Reading

Literacy skills, in early childhood education settings, encompass much more than helping children learn the alphabet, recite nursery rhymes, and begin to write. While it is true that one of the major tasks of early education is helping children acquire the skills...

If You Give A Child A Box

I learned an important lesson this year. At Christmas time I wanted to gift the class a fun present that they would be able to enjoy over and over again. I knew my students love to build and create, particularly creations that they can physically interact with. I did...

Success in Social-Emotional Learning

Whenever I tell someone that I am preschool teacher and voluntarily spend more than 8 hours a day surrounded by 4- and 5-year-olds, I generally receive one of two reactions.  The reaction I love to get, but sadly, rarely receive is a somewhat envious, “Oh my gosh,...

Living on the Wild Side of Nature in Preschool

This month our Orca class focused on Alaskan animals and what animals do in the winter. The students chose some in-depth studies on a few Alaskan animals (polar bears and arctic foxes). They read many stories about these animals, learned about their habitats, and...

The Rewards of Reflective Practice

This week in the Beluga classroom I spent some time cleaning out chair pockets.  Using chair pockets in preschool is something I haven’t done before this year, but, because our COVID protocols at the beginning of the year called for each child to have their own...



