Choosing a school for your child is a significant decision — and an exciting one for your family. We encourage families to visit our campus if possible, and when you are ready to take the next step, fill out an application in our Admissions Management System, TADS. There is a $50 non-refundable application fee for each student’s application.

We are still accepting Applications for the 2024-25 school year.

School starts on Wednesday, August 14, so apply now.

Apply Now

for 2024-2025


As soon as we receive your application we expedite the Application Review process.


The Application Process is:

Step 1 - Application Review
  • If you haven’t visited the school, we will set up a Private Tour.
  • Participate in a Parent Interview. This interview will be a Zoom meeting with both parents and/or guardians and the Enrollment Director.
  • We will request Academic Transcripts from your child’s current and former schools.
  • Provide a Teacher Recommendation for further background information on your child’s learning characteristics. Forward this link to your child’s current teacher, and we will receive their response.
  • We will carry out an assessment of your child’s academic, social, and emotional maturity to determine whether they are a good fit in the PNA class for which they are applying.
    1. Assessment visits during summer hours are set up individually with the appropriate teachers.
    2. Preschoolers who are not yet three years old at the time of the application will be assessed when they are two years and ten months or older.
  • Assessment Review: Our Admissions Committee reviews every application carefully, including the Teacher Recommendation, Academic Transcripts, and our teacher’s Assessment Report to assess the child’s social and academic readiness, and your family’s alignment with the mission of PNA.

Qualified applicants will receive an Offer of Placement letter.

Step 2 - Registration
  • You can accept an offer of placement by registering your student. To register, you will:
    1. Provide contact information
    2. Provide medical information, such as immunizations and medical waiver
    3. Sign appropriate waivers for your child to fully participate in school activities
    4. Submit supporting documentation required by the school and the State of Alaska
    5. Pay the non-refundable tuition deposit, which will reserve the place for your child in the class.
    6. Indicate if you will apply for Indexed Tuition.
Step 3 - Tuition Agreement

Our Business Office will work with you to finalize your contract.

  • If you have applied for Indexed Tuition, this will be processed by the Indexed Tuition Committee before completing your contract.
  • Your contract will be created and sent to you for review and acceptance, and you can select a  payment plan at this time.

Once the contract is signed, your child’s enrollment is complete.

Non Discrimination Statement

PNA does not discriminate based on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by law in employment or administration of admissions or programs.
