Latest news from the 5th Grade class

Engineering Fun!

Our wild and wacky Halloween Friday provided the perfect time to practice teamwork around a defined problem. Students teamed up in partnerships to create "bone bridges." They were given a selection of materials (craft sticks, pipe cleaners, Q-tips, tape) and specific...

We Have an Announcement…

At PNA we pride ourselves on being a learning community. We look for every chance to connect and collaborate, to help students see that together, we are more than just a group of classes of kids and adults housed in a building; we ARE PNA. We reach beyond our own...

A Great Start!

AAAnnnnddddd….we’re off! Our first two weeks of school were eventful and wet, but it was a smooth start for us all! Teachers who teach the same group of students in consecutive years are said to be “looping,” and moving from grade 4 to 5 with this wonderful class of...

Lemons into Lemonade

Our 5th and 6th graders are different people today than they were on our first day of school. That’s often the case year-to-year, but this year was something special. “School will be so different”, “We can’t do x, y, or z”, “Something is better than nothing”, and many...

Unconventional Assessments

This year our 5th and 6th graders have learned a lot about poetry, so let’s try out this metaphor: teaching isn’t baking bread, it’s cooking chili. When baking, if I follow the recipe exactly as written, I'll be more likely to yield positive results. While baking...

More Than Math

Put yourself back into your middle school math class. What do you remember? I remember doing a lot of worksheets—repetitive problems that became a burden rather than an exploration. I remember wondering which concepts I would use when I “grew up”. I remember class...

Reasons to Celebrate

This year, more than any other, teachers are jumping on every opportunity to celebrate our students and make them feel special. While many of our non-academic, extra “fun” activities have been cancelled due to COVID restrictions, there are some traditions we’ve been...



