Throughout the month of December, various versions of the folktale The Gingerbread Man were used to introduce and explore key elements of reading literacy in our Kindergarten classroom. Concepts such as plot and character identification, setting, and story structure were taught to the students to provide a foundation for the development of reading comprehension and writing skills. The students used these skills to expand upon their knowledge by creating their own versions of the story The Gingerbread Man.
The writing process began with students brainstorming about main character ideas. The discussion then led to conversations about the setting of their stories and details about their character’s surroundings. The session ended with a review of story structure and instructions on how to make a story flow.
Each student got to work coloring pictures and adding details to their stories. Once complete, students were arranged in pairs for peer editing. Classmates offered feedback to their peers on any changes that needed to be made.
To complete their stories, students designed and decorated a gingerbread ornament in the shape of their main character.
Each student shared their story and ornament with the class.