Physical Education and Health Goings On

News from the 1st Grade classroom

January 20, 2022

Raise your hand if you are feeling stressed these days. Can you see me raising my hand? We are all being pushed to our max lately and as much as we don’t like it, learning how to acknowledge and move past stress is a key component of life. When thinking about how to best help students address the stress in their lives it is important to understand that everybody handles stress differently and therefore will alleviate stress in different ways. Being the PE and Health teacher of course led me to a more physical avenue of stress relief initially. You guessed it, we did yoga! These kids rocked it. We assessed how we felt before and after our 40 minute deep stretch class and spoke about the benefits of yoga in general. Some of these students could really use a regular practice of yoga or stretching in their lives, so making yoga a family affair would be wonderful all around! Youtube has some great videos for beginners all the way up to advanced and many different kinds from deep stretch to a nice flow class. The conversation around stress will continue as we navigate obstacles during the school year. Check out the article below to learn about the benefits of yoga for kids.

In other news, we’ve done some awesome units so far in PE and Health that haven’t been shared. PE has seen basketball, kickball, and floor hockey while Health has seen First Aid and CPR!




