PNA Learning Standards and Curriculum
A curriculum committee reviews and selects curriculum based on: its effectiveness as demonstrated through educational research and its adherence to PNA’s philosophy that students learn best and retain more when they are actively engaged in their learning.
Grades: K-5
Alaska State Math Standards
Curriculum: K-5
K-5 Bridges Math Curriculum, Math Learning Center: Bridges curriculum focuses on developing students’ deep understanding of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and ability to solve complex and novel problems.
Language Arts
Alaska State ELA Standards
Curriculum: K-5
Reading A to Z curriculum provides a precise leveling system based on running records assessments so that the teacher can work with a student at the level that optimizes their growth in small group or individualized guided reading sessions.
Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study in Reading: Using a reading workshop model of a mini-lesson, work time, and conferencing, students are instructed in strengthening skills and strategies of proficient reading, including increased fluency, decoding skills and comprehension of texts.
Heggerty Phonemic Awareness curriculum is used in grades Early Kindergarten to Second Grade. It was developed on a systemic scope and sequence of skills with lessons that are designed to deliver Tier q phonemic awareness instruction in a whole group setting.
Lucy Calkins’ Writer’s Workshop Curriculum provides instruction to writers as they work through the writing process (rehearsing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to write a variety of different text genres, including personal narratives, informational writing, poetry and persuasive writing. The whole group mini lesson introduces the current writing goal, then students work in a workshop time as the teacher conferences with individual students and provides instruction based on the child’s own writing, as well as using examples from other students their age. This is followed by a share/reflect time that allows students to think more deeply about their work.
The World Journey resource text provides a comprehensive approach to assessing and building children’s word knowledge through lessons and activities that involve the study and manipulation of words. Using the Developmental Spelling Analysis (DSA) assessment tool, teachers are able to identify and tailor instruction to individual learners’ strengths and weaknesses. Grades K-3 use the accompanied text “Word Sorts and More: Sound, Patter, and Meaning Explorations,” while grades 4-8 use “Mindful of Words: Spelling and Vocabulary Exploration.”
The Handwriting Without Tears curriculum uses both print and digital resources to formally teach proper pencil grip, letter formation, and literacy skills needed to be successful in learning print and cursive handwriting. Appropriate age instruction begins in preschool and ends in 5th grade.
Students begin keyboarding in grade 2 utilizing the online program and continue this instruction through grade 5 or until they complete the program. This instruction allows students to learn proper keyboarding technique and knowledge at their own pace through lessons, games, and instant feedback.
Grades: 6-8
Alaska State Math Standards
Curriculum: 6-8
6-8 College Preparatory Math (CPM) believes that students should engage in problem-based lessons structured around a core idea, that guided by a knowledgeable teacher, students should interact in groups to foster mathematical discourse and that practice with concepts and procedures should be spaced over time for full mastery.
Language Arts
Alaska State ELA Standards
Curriculum: 6-8
Lucy Calkins’s Units of Study in Reading: Using a reading workshop model of a mini-lesson, work time and conferencing, students are instructed strengthening skills and strategies of proficient reading, including increased fluency, decoding skills and comprehension of texts.
Lucy Calkins’ Writer’s Workshop Curriculum provides instruction to writers as they work through the writing process (rehearsing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to write a variety of different text genres, including personal narratives, informational writing, poetry and opinion writing. The whole group mini lesson introduces the current writing goal, then students work in a workshop time as the teacher conferences with individual students and provides instruction based on the child’s own writing, as well as examples from other students their age. This is followed by a share/reflect time that allows students to think more deeply about their work.
Next Generation Science and Engineering Standards
Curriculum: K-8
STEMscopes™, research-based national leader in PreK-12 STEM curriculum, core approach is hands-on investigation; doing science is learning science. Designed and updated by expert teachers who work alongside Rice University professors to help build and update information. Used by over 4.5M students across all 50 states and internationally, STEMscopes provides comprehensive digital resources, supplemental print materials, and hands-on exploration kits that drive engagement and academic growth.
Social Studies
NCSS Standards and C3 Framework
Curriculum: 3-8
Students in grade 3-8 study the disciplines of history, civics, economics, and geography through in-depth inquiry of compelling questions and meaningful themes. An emphasis is placed on analyzing and evaluating a variety of documents, sources, and perspectives to gain a deep understanding of the disciplines.
PNA uses Houghton Mifflin’s Into Social Studies: The United States–Beginnings through the Civil War and United States History and National Geographic/Cenegage’s World Cultures & Geography and Global Issues curriculum to support student research and inquiry.
Project Based Learning (PBL)
Allow students to explore larger themes through localized topics or issues.