Latest news from the Preschool classes

Self Esteem and our youngest learners

I have noticed over the past few weeks that the Otters have hit their stride with self esteem and confidence. It has been a gradual shift but noticeable non the less .  It is not a quick task to build children’s self esteem in the classroom but it is one of the most...

Happy Holidays!: The Culturally Aware Classroom

"We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" excitedly sang the students in the Pacific Northern Academy (PNA) Orca class. And yet, a little earlier, with just as much merriment, this same class was heard to belt out "Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out...

Pre-Writing in Preschool

The students in the Beluga Classroom have been doing more and more writing lately! I think there are three reasons this is so. First, preschoolers LOVE to copy one another (and yet often tattle loudly if they are being copied…but that’s a topic for another day)!...

Outdoor Play, Rain or Shine.

Outdoor play is an important part of childhood. It’s exciting to see children in their natural environment – exploring their surroundings, being curious about what’s around them, and finding joy in seeing new things. As a child, I always remember running around the...

The Importance of Imaginative Play

"Watch out! The floor is lava!" How many of us have played this or similar games in our childhood? The month of October has given the Orca class a great opportunity to hone our imaginative skills. Having a healthy imagination is critical to a well-rounded childhood...

The Importance of Early Oral Language

Among other things happening in the Beluga classroom this week, we have been exploring interesting adjectives.  Autumn naturally lends itself to adjectives because there are so many things about it which appeal to our senses –the sight of the brilliant colors of...

Cozy Feelings in the Cozy Corner

Emotions are to our minds like nerves are to our bodies. They help inform us about our condition in the world around us and can teach us when things are safe or not safe. It is important to listen to emotions and not try to block them. However, emotions can be wild...

Fall Fun and Fine Motor Skills

We have been having so much fun in the Beluga class as we have been learning about fall!  We began our study of leaves with a leaf hunt around the PNA playground.  As we walked, we talked about the things we could notice with our senses:  the sight of the different...



