Who doesn't love a good obstacle course? Obstacles courses have been around for years, they are nothing new, but always exciting. The cool thing about them is that anything can be used to make one, but all good courses involve climbing, running, jumping and maybe even...
Latest news from the Middle School classes
Building Changemakers
Nov 20, 2021 | Middle School
By Peter Johnson, Middle School Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher At PNA, we believe that kids learn best when what they study leads toward the creation of an authentic project. What is an authentic project? An authentic project has real world connections, and...
Periodic Table of Elements
Nov 13, 2021 | 2021, Middle School
Written by: Mrs. Kamille L. Dawson Middle School Science/Math Teacher Bonjour! Our Chemistry history walk continues! First stop, the Periodic Table. We must give a round of applause to Russian Chemist Dmitri Mendeleev for establishing the first periodic table in...
Wilderness First Aid
Nov 5, 2021 | 5th Grade, Integrated Subjects, Middle School, Uncategorized
Teaching Health class is always fun and interesting because it's finally a chance for me to see students in their classroom. Usually, I see them either out on the field or in the gym in the element of being challenged physically, but Health class is more of a demand...
The Importance of Play
Oct 30, 2021 | Middle School, Uncategorized
By Peter Johnson, Middle School Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher As we all know, play is an important part of being a child, as well as a great way to learn many fundamental life skills. Although most of our associations with play may be dominated by images of...
“Creativity Takes Courage.” -Henry Matisse
Oct 30, 2021 | 1st Grade, Integrated Subjects, Middle School
Creativity is everything, and children have it expressed so much. Anytime I give them a topic, they pour out all of their imagination into their artworks that I am always blown away by the enthusiasm they have, which makes it even better. October is the month of...
Exploring the Building Blocks of Matter
Oct 23, 2021 | 2021, Middle School
Written by: Mrs. Kamille L. Dawson Middle School Science/Math Teacher Salut! I began this crucial Chemistry lesson by taking my students on a history walk through the evolution of the atom and its particles. Each student was given a graphic organizer where they had...
Mountain Biking in the Elements
Oct 16, 2021 | Integrated Subjects, Middle School, Uncategorized
Middle School has a wonderful block of time every Friday for a few hours and we've already done a variety of worthwhile activities. We call it "Fun Friday," and the possibilities are endless (within our time block of course). In the first few weeks we focused on team...
So, What Are the Rules?
Oct 9, 2021 | Middle School
By Peter Johnson, Middle School Social Studies and Language Arts Teacher Students are often curious about what the rules are for activities and what the expectations are in different classroom environments. Ideally, students support the rules and independently follow...
“So you want to experiment in the Science Lab?”
Oct 2, 2021 | 2021, Middle School
Written by: Mrs. Kamille L. Dawson Middle School Science/Math Teacher Greetings all from the Science Laboratory! “Trumpet Fanfare!” Watch out everyone!!!! Some cool kids have their licenses!!! Science licenses that is. I am proud to announce that the 6th grade class...