Latest news from the Kindergarten classes

Flexible Seating

When entering our Kindergarten classroom, the first thing you will notice is the absence of the traditional desk and chair layout. Instead, you will find several open areas with an array of seating options for the students to choose from.  Students can choose to sit...

Bridges Number Corner

Number Corner is an essential part of the Bridges math program used by PNA from preschool through 5th grade.  While a large part of number corner revolves around the classroom calendar, it is so much more than just finding today's date.  Using a spiraling theory,...

Good Morning!

  Such simple words but yet so powerful! At PNA, we start each morning with a morning meeting as part of the Responsive Classroom approach that we utilize in our classrooms. Morning Meetings are an integral part of our day as they build a strong sense of...

Building Strong Foundations

We've had a great start to the year in K,1 and 2.  Students were excited and ready to be back and to explore not only their new classrooms but the school in general.  Here is a quick glimpses of how we all started to build a positive learning community. PNA utilizes...

Kindergarten Classroom Jobs

Monday mornings are an exciting time in our Kindergarten classroom. At the beginning of each week, the students have the chance to take on a job. Classroom jobs help students feel at place in the classroom. They also help build a sense of excitement, responsibility...

Getting Started…

​According to the Buck Institute for Education, the leading resource for Project Based Learning, projects should be launched with entry events. "Rather than to simply announce a project, we can generate interest by creating a special event that takes our class out of...

“I Have a Dream”

At PNA, our mission is to educate students to be exceptional learners and independent thinkers of vision, courage, and integrity.  When faced with the injustice of our world, Martin Luther King Jr. had a vision for a better world and fought for equality. This week,...

Responsive Classroom- Morning Meeting

Morning Meetings are an integral part of the Responsive Classroom approach to learning which we use atPNA. Responsive Classroom Morning Meetings are an engaging way to start each day, build a strong sense of community, and set children up for success socially and...

Prioritizing Play

Play is increasingly disappearing from schools nationwide.  Recently, the Center for Responsive Schools published a journal on the importance of play for students of all ages -- and even adults.  Play has physical, social, emotional, and cognitive benefits for...



